In our store you can easily store and search for items by using our categories or the search function. Add your chosen item to your shopping basket by clicking on ‘add to basket’. At the top right you can see what is in your shopping cart and what the shipping costs are.
After sending your package you will receive an e-mail with the PostNL track & trace code. With this code you can follow the status of your package.
Grace period (right of withdrawal)
But you can also notify us within 100 days after receipt of the order that you do not want the order. For this you can use the model form, but it may also be in writing, by phone or by e-mail. After receiving this notification, you will receive a confirmation from us by e-mail. After you have made the notification, you still have 14 days to actually return the order.
We will refund you the total purchase price including delivery costs as soon as possible, but no later than 14 days after receipt of the withdrawal declaration. We may wait to refund you until we have received the goods back, or you have supplied evidence of having sent back the goods, whichever is sooner. We will refund by the same means by which you paid for the goods, including the standard delivery charge and/or any other charges. If only part of the order is returned, these shipping and other charges will not be refunded.
If you paid with iDeal or Bancontact/Mister Cash, the total amount of the credit invoice will be refunded to the bank account you used to make the payment. If you paid with Bancontact/Mister Cash, we ask you to provide us with your IBAN and BIC code so we can arrange a refund from a Dutch bank. If you paid by credit card or Maestro, the refund will be made via your credit card.
Handling order
The products received must not be damaged or altered. You are only liable for the reduction in value of the goods resulting from the use of the goods beyond what is necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods.
Return Costs
The cost of the return is at your own expense.